Carbon Audit - RESULTS

This is the fourth carbon audit of the ESC touring programme, and the third based on detailed information from tour leaders. We report on the tours to European destinations and remote tours separately.

The most striking factor is the large increase in carbon offsetting, with offsets being purchased for 32% of European and 60% of Remote tours. Also, the level of participation from Leaders has been excellent, with 50% of European tours and 100% of remote trips contributing to the survey or purchasing offsets collectively. However, many leaders who purchased offsets did not fill in the survey as well, which in retrospect is not surprising. This means that the data we have collected for European tours is not very trustworthy. It indicates that we have reduced net emissions for Europe to 235 kg per tourer (compared to 280kg in 2015), but we suspect that it might be lower than this. On the other hand, we have complete and accurate data for Remote trips, and 60% of these were offset. For those who did not offset, average emissions were a whopping 2,668 kg per tourer.

The full report can be viewed here:

The reports for previous years can be read here:

We will continue the survey for the 2016 season, and are seeking feedback on how to simplify the process for tour leaders.

Climate care report - November 2018

Between 2015 and 2017, the overall consumption of carbon credits from Cochabamba increased from 41.2 to 64.2 tonnes. However, the total for 2018 dropped to 26.3 tonnes. This is mainly due to fewer remote trips and less internal promotion of this initiative in 2018. The report can be viewed here:

Climate care report - November 2018

The new communications sub-committee will be looking at how we can promote a bit more action on climate care.

Steve Wright
Climate Care

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