Posting to Forums

Forums provide a way for members to share information and discuss ideas and issues with other members. Some forums are viewable by the general public, but others can only be read by members (see below for details).

From late August 2024, Forums will be hosted on our own Discourse platform.  With features like drag-and-drop images and a simple interface, members will find it much easier to use.  All active posts have been migrated across, and the structure will not change. 

Click here for a Discourse login and how-to guide

Forums and Access

Only members are allowed to post to forums, and to do so you must be logged in to Discourse

Public Forum Categories (visible by the general public)

  • For Sale
  • General Discussion

Members Forum Categories (visible by members only)

  • Tours and Meets
  • Gear

Forum Moderation

Members are able to draw attention to posts that are off-topic, inappropriate or do not meet our content guidelines (below). 

Using the flag system, members can alert forum moderators to the topic or post that concerns them (see right, click for a larger image).

The moderation team will then review the topic/post and take any necessary action. Posts can also be deleted by a moderator where there is a specific reason to do so and where the reasons for deletion have been explained to the post author.

Content Guidelines


The forums should not be used to promote commercial ventures of members (or of their acquaintances).

Examples of acceptable postings include:

  • “For Sale” items which are the property of the member (or a close friend who is not a club member) and which are related to skiing or mountaineering.
  • Availability on commercial trips which are listed on the official club programme. It is acceptable for the guide or BASI instructor organising the trip to make such postings, but they shouldn’t advertise other commercial trips they are running, which are not on the official club programme.
  • Availability on member led trips.
  • Discussion of gear and links to manufacturers or shop websites, only where the member isn’t directly involved with the shop or manufacturer.

Examples of unacceptable postings include:

  • “For Sale” items which are not related to skiing or mountaineering.
  • “For Sale” items which are not the property of a member (or a close friend who is not a club member).
  • Advertising chalets etc for hire, even if the chalet is owned by the member.
  • Availability on commercial (e.g. guided) trips which are not on the club programme.
  • Promotion or discussion of gear and links to manufacturer or shop websites, where the member would stand to gain (financially or otherwise) from the increased business to that manufacturer / shop.

Postings which do not follow the guidelines will be removed.

In some cases, where it is thought that a commercial venture would be of widespread interest to the membership, such a posting may be made (after consideration by appropriate committee members) by committee members only. If you have something which would be of interest to the membership, but which would otherwise contravene the posting guidelines, then please discuss with a committee member, who (after consideration) may be able to post the item on your behalf.

Note that the Eagle Ski Club website does not accept paid advertising.


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