The Eagle Ski Club is a very friendly club with members across the UK and overseas. Members usually stay with the club for many years and enjoy lots of ski touring and related activities. The benefits of membership are excellent. This page describes how you can join the Club.
Who can join the Eagle Ski Club?
Membership is open to anyone interested in ski touring, ski mountaineering, or associated activities. The club welcomes competent skiers who are new to ski-touring (see here for more information about fitness and skiing ability), and each year's programme includes an Introductory Training Course, and a guided Introductory Tour. The programme also includes several other professionally-led training courses and guided tours, to allow and encourage members to develop the skills and experience needed for independent and self-reliant touring.
There are no age limits to being a member of the Club, though under our Safeguarding Policy there are some restrictions on under-18s joining tours and other events unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.
There is no requirement to be proposed or seconded for membership of the club. If you wish to join the Club and go straight on a tour, you will need to provide referees (who don't need to be club members) who can provide information about your skiing and mountaineering competence.
Please note that we are a club of like-minded individuals, who continue to enjoy ski-touring with other members over many years. We are not a travel agent nor a business offering packaged ski-touring holidays. If that is what you are after, there are numerous commercial organisations and qualified guides providing such services, and you may be better off looking to them for the type of ski holiday you require.
How much are subscriptions?
From 1st May 2024 our annual subscription rates are:
£50 - Standard membership (postal address in the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands or Isle of Man) - this includes the affiliation fee for Mountaineering Scotland. NB: From 1st May 2025 this rises to £55.
- If you have membership of Mountaineering Scotland by another route (eg. through another club or as an individual member) the full cost of their Club Adult membership (the 'affiliation fee', currently £21.75, rising to £26.75 1st April) is deducted from the full rate.
£35 - Overseas membership (postal address outside the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands and Isle of Man).
- Please see More about Overseas membership, below, for conditions that apply to this category.
£25 - Members aged under 30. NB: From 1st May 2025 this rises to £30.
- If you have membership of Mountaineering Scotland by another route (eg. through another club or as an individual member), or live overseas, the full cost of their Club Adult membership (the 'affiliation fee', currently £21.75, rising to £26.75 1st April) is deducted from the full rate.
£15 - Associate members (for existing club members only).
- Please see More about Associate membership, below, for conditions that apply to this category, and how to switch.
Subscription payment by direct debit is a condition of membership except for overseas members who don't have a UK bank account. The full annual amount is payable on date of joining and then for each subsequent year by direct debit on 1st May. If you don't have a bank account in the UK and can't pay by direct debit, you may pay the initial and ongoing subscription by alternative means (see "How do I join?" below).
Is there a lower rate for young members?
Yes. If you're aged under 30, the cost is currently £25 each year. For the club year (starting 1st May) after you reach 30 you will be made a Standard or Overseas member, as appropriate, and will be charged the full adult subscription.
How do I join?
Firstly complete the simple application form below:
Membership Application Form
NB: You need to provide a unique email address which has not been used by other family members for their membership.
Then, for most people, we will ask you to complete a direct debit mandate on-line through our direct debit agency, GoCardless. Once that is done, we will sign you up as a new member and collect your initial subscription under the mandate. Automatic direct debit payments start the next 1st May when a full year subscription will be collected.
If you are resident overseas and do not have a UK bank account please now pay by credit card using the form below:
If you have any questions or issues with the application process please contact the Membership Secretary at
How long does it take?
Please allow at least a week for the application process to complete. Autumn is a very busy time and in winter the membership secretary may be away ski-ing, so at those times it may take longer.
What about ongoing subscriptions?
We collect subscriptions annually on May 1st by direct debit through our direct debit agency, GoCardless. Credit card payers must renew manually for 1,2 or 3 years at a time, using the same form as above. You can amend your mandate details at any time from My Account. Note that bank switches are usually handled automatically.
How do I leave the club?
If you should decide that you want to resign/cancel your membership, all you need to do is notify the Membership Secretary at and they will do the rest, including cancelling your direct debit mandate. Normally your account will be marked for resignation at the next year-end (30th April) so, if you wish to resign with immediate effect, please do say so. And please, please, don't just cancel your direct debit mandate without notifying the Membership Secretary - that creates more work for them.
More about Overseas membership
Applications for club membership from people living outside the UK, Republic of Ireland, Channel Isles and Isle of Man are very welcome. However, if you do live outside of these countries you cannot be covered under the club's 3rd party liability insurance, which is required for taking part in club activities. Nevertheless, you can join club tours and meets provided you have equivalent insurance taken out in your country of residence.
For the same reason, Overseas members are not eligible to lead or organise club tours or meets.
More about Associate membership
Associate membership is open only to existing, or recently resigned, club members who no longer participate in mountain or organisational activities with the club; or who have to take an extended break from active membership, for example due to serious injury or illness.
Associate members enjoy many of the standard benefits of membership, including the yearbook, newsletters and eligibility to attend social events such as club lectures, dinners, AGM etc. However, a number of conditions do apply. Associate members:
- Are not covered by the club’s 3rd party liability insurance, which covers most members against a compensation claim should they cause harm or injury at a club event. It is the member's responsibility to assess risks and arrange insurance cover as appropriate for attending club social events;
- Are not eligible to join club tours or active meets;
- Are not eligible to serve as an officer of the club, nor to carry out any organisational, administrative or leadership role within the club.
- Are not eligible to vote at club general meetings.
Switching to Associate membership is very simple. If you are interested please email the Membership Secretary at in the first instance. Or submit an enquiry via the Help|Contact us page on the website.