Volunteering Opportunities

Our Club is run for members by members. We employ no staff, so we rely entirely on the voluntary effort of members who step forward to help run the Club. Over the next few months, these opportunities are available:

  • Website editor
  • Supporting our centenary
  • Potential Tour Leaders

You can find out more about these roles below:

Website Editor

If you're interested in helping develop and improve what we say on the club website and what the website provides for our members, this is a fantastic opportunity to get involved.

Our website is a vital resource for members. It's also our "shop window" - where prospective members find out more about us. The website acts as the Club library and underpins our communications. The Website Editor looks after the appearance of the website and its content. The editor works closely with the IT Officer, who looks after and improves the technical operation of the website. If you're interested in the role of Website Editor, please contact our IT Officer, Stuart Cunningham, by email at: internet@eagleskiclub.org.uk or the Communications Secretary, Richard Davison, by email at: comms@eagleskiclub.org.uk.

Supporting our centenary 

Planning for the Club's Centenary is now in full swing, with teams of enthusiastic volunteers already assisting with the arrangements for the different events and activities to take place in 2025. We need a bit more assistance, including:

  • Someone to co-ordinate the arrangements for ordering and distributing club merchandise, including payment forms and helping to distribute ordered items. Please contact John Barnard: archivist@eagleskiclub.org.uk
  • Someone with some design layout skills (or enthusiasm!) to work with the Club Archivist to create some display posters with material on the history of the club, which can be shown at the various events during next year. Please contact John Barnard: archivist@eagleskiclub.org.uk
  • Some extra volunteers to help with the Arolla25 meet in March 2025, both before and during the meet. Please contact Graham Dudley: arolla25@eaglskiclub.org.uk

Potential Tour Leaders

The club needs a steady flow of new leaders each year to maintain the club touring programme. Age or gender is never a barrier to leading and we particularly welcome younger enthusiasts to balance the profile of the leader team. We are looking for people who are keen, fit and safe mountaineers and have a positive attitude to building a team with shared objectives. If you're interested in becoming a future tour leader, please contact Dave Palmer who is our leader development coordinator by email at: leaderdev@eagleskiclub.org.uk

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