Volunteering with the club

Volunteering with the club - give it a go!

Volunteering can be a great way to:

  • develop new skills and talents - or make good use of those you already have
  • make a difference in how the Club is run and bring new ideas to the table
  • meet new people
  • put something back into the club

So, if you have skills and enthusiasm to offer the Club, why not give it a go? If you're interested in volunteering generally or in a specific role, please get in touch with the most relevant Committee member or Officer

Why do we need volunteers?

Our Club is run for members by members. We employ no staff, so we rely entirely on the voluntary effort of members who make things happen by stepping forward to help run the Club.

We are a big, active Club, with over 1400 members and a large ski touring programme in Europe and in Scotland. About 50 members are involved in running the Club, from supporting the work of sub-committees to being an officer of the Club, such as Treasurer or Membership Secretary.

We also have volunteers delivering many of our ski touring and related activities, including tour and meet leaders and coordinators, and trainers.

How we support our volunteers

One of our priorities is to make sure that we do more to support, develop and recognise volunteers and their role within the Club. In 2022, a group of members explored how we could do more to nurture a volunteer ethos and their report and recommendations have been adopted by the Club Committee.

We don't expect people to volunteer for many years - a turnover every few years helps to keep the Club fresh and innovative. Like many other clubs, it can be a challenge to ensure that the number and diversity of volunteers coming forward is healthy and sustainable.

We also recognise that our members lead busy, active lives, so we try to break down roles into bite-sized chunks so that  members can contribute to defined roles and tasks.

The club is keen to reimburse Volunteers for expenses incurred as part of their role. For all club volunteers (committee, subcommittee members and non-Committee posts) the club is happy to pay UK transport costs to attend any face-to-face club meetings. Requests can be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement for fuel/mileage or standard class train/bus travel for journeys within the UK.

What opportunities are available?

We want to make succession and filling roles more open and transparent to all members, and so we have decided to better publicise upcoming vacancies and opportunities, and invite suggestions or nominations from members.

You can find the current opportunities on this page:

Volunteering opportunities

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