Insurance - tales of woe?

24 Oct 2018


I'm looking at insurance for the coming year and have got quotes from BMC, SCGB, Snowcard and Fogg (as mentioned on Eagles website). Fogg seem to be half the price of the othes - great, but does that mean they're half as good when it comes to claims?

Does anyone have experience of claiming from these or other insurance companies? Recommendations/suggestions please.



29 Oct 2018


I used the BMC a few years ago in Switzerland. The helicopter was paid for when the bill arrived several weeks later. 

Flights home (two seats or business class) and taxi to the airport all sorted out very efficiently. Always felt that they had my best interests at heart and not trying to save money. 

EHIC covered the medical fees. 


22 Nov 2019


EHIC covered most of the medical fees for an urgent visit to hospital in Switzerland in January 2019. (Sudden painful episode of kidney stones).

But a large bill for an excess fee arrived after I got home! And I think I paid at the pharmacy.

22 Nov 2019


Used Austrian Alpine Club when had to be helicoptered off, plus the 3 rescue skiers who couldn't quite get to me had to be airlifted also. They covered the helicoter rescue without question. No injury so no further bills but felt that they had my best interest at all time. Very good value

22 Nov 2019


Forgot to say, insurance comes free to all members.

25 Nov 2019


Hi Robert. I was hauled away with a snapped achilles a few years back and the bmc paid everything I asked of them. I was more than satisfied,  they even paid a subsequent flight I couldn't cancel on a later trip. 

25 Nov 2019


Tks, all.


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