SkiTrek Website - Request for Articles & Photos

26 May 2014


SkiTrek is a new site devoted to ski touring and hiking/trekking. We welcome contributions of articles, cartoons, photos and videos. Please email them to or use the SUBMIT button on the website

Articles are generally less than 1000 words and should also provide some basic information in a table at the end of the article: Location, Useful Info, Getting There, Accommodation, Huts/Cabanes, Guide/Leader, Headline/Title, Lead-in, Odd Facts.

Skitrek is a website for individuals who are passionate about being in the mountains, summer and winter. Our contributors (see are mountain enthusiasts of all kinds - across the generations and the continents.

Our editorial policy is inclusive and global. We seek content – articles, cartoons, photos and videos- that will interest, inform and amuse.

We are not subscription based; our content is free to all. We are not in a position to pay for contributions but we hope to raise funding in due course and start a digital magazine....and be in a position to pay contributors...modestly!



29 May 2014


Great photos on your site. Looking forward to reading the articles.

30 May 2014



You can read the artciles by clicking on 'Tours' or 'Treks' or 'Lore' etc or on the moving banner.

If you have any artciles you would like to see published, we would love to see them.


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