Arolla25 centenary club meet update

The speed with which people registered for the Arolla25 meet exceeded our expectations. In response, the organising team has secured additional accommodation at the Hôtel du Glacier and the Hôtel du Pigne. Currently this supplementary accommodation is already fully allocated and the overall meet is 100% full. We have a maximum limit of 180 members that can attend the Arolla25 meet (including the celebration dinner) so that we can manage the event safely and within the constraints of capability and facilities available.

However, the waiting list will remain open for the coming months and ESC members on the list will be contacted directly if there are any cancellations. No deposit will be taken for adding your name to the waitlist. If you choose to arrange your own accommodation in Arolla, please note it is very unlikely that you will be able to join club activities unless you have already successfully registered for the meet or get a cancellation place through the waiting list. Depending on demand we propose to keep the waiting list open until 1st October 2024. 

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