Updating postal address

12 Oct 2017


I have just received my yearbook - which was sent to my old address.

I had previously updated my address to be correct here in the website. 

Do I still need to infom the membership secretray as well or there there an issue that needs addressing?

12 Oct 2017



I'm not sure if this yearbook run used the new database or not - I suspect not. But for future, there's nothing else to update, just the address etc on the website.


12 Oct 2017


Ok thanks Stuart - I'll close this.

12 Oct 2017


Ok cannot close this - maybe for the best as then others can see the answer.

12 Oct 2017


Hi Pete,

The yearbook address list was taken from the website on 20 Sep and passed to the distributors. Any changes to addresses since then will have been missed. This is to confirm the address on the website is our definitive copy.


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