Compostable carrier for Yearbook

14 Sep 2018


The 2018 Yearbook is now with the printers; members in the UK should receive their books around the end of next week. 

We are trying a new carrier which is starch-based and fully biodegradable (doesn't just disintegrate into microplastic waste) - we are told you can put it in your garden compost.  We would be glad of any feedback.

08 Oct 2018


Although most members seem to be be pleased that we are trying this material,  a few people have found that the bag was torn when it reached them.  Please let me know if yours was torn or if the YB was damaged.

I have also pointed out that the join was on the address side of the mailer,  which may have made it less easy for the postman to read. 

14 Oct 2018


Hi Mike,


As you know the bag is easily torn. One problem that this has now given me is that I have had a po return in a new envelope but I don't know where it is returned from, so don't know which address was wrong.



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